We don't like somebody coming in with lots of money and trying to push people around. 我们不想有人拿着很多钱加入,试图到处使唤人。
One time, a friend thought I had said something bad about him. He made a special trip to my house just to yell at me and push me around. Another time, I had to leave a football game early, which made someone furious. 一次,一位家伙以为我对他说了一些坏话,他到我家对我大吵大闹并且推撞我,而另一次,我早点离开足球队就令他们大发雷霆。
Do you want to push paper around or do you want to build products that change people's lives? 你想在办公室处理文件还是想开发能够改变世界的产品?
A: Don't push me around any more, you really make me feel sick. 不要再随意支配我啦,你真让我难受!
I see how they push him around, take his toys from him, give him a shove here, a whack there. 我看到他们推搡他,拿走他的玩具,在这儿推他一下,在那儿打他一下。
The bold move helped push stocks higher around the world. 这种大胆举措在一定程度上推动了全球股价上涨。
Push the people around you to care as much as you do. 促使你周围的人像你一样用心。
I know that sounds tough, but as I said, if you're not tough inside, the world will always push you around anyway. 我知道这样说听起来很刺耳,但是正如我说过的那样,如果你意志不够坚定,那么无论如何,你只能让世界推着你转。
We is tired of is push around by officious civil servant. 我们厌恶那些把我们支来支去的公务员。
The fifth is starting system and its purpose is to change the electrical current into the mechanical energy to push the crankshaft around. 发动机的第五个系统是起动系统,起动系统的作用是把电能转变为机械能推动曲轴转动。
I've let you push me around this jungle for, like, five hours. 我让你在这丛林里推推搡搡走了五个小时了。
We can't let people push us around soand. 我们不能让人们把我们弄的团团转。
You cannot push spirits around! You are scum! 你不能摆布幽灵!你这个渣滓!
Those women seem kind of stern. I hope they are not went to push me around. 这些女人看来蛮厉害的。希望不要被她们欺侮。
My Dad taught me to never let anyone push me around. 父亲教导我说,不要让任何人控制我。
Nobody can push him around. 没有人可以对他肆意摆布。
He began to push people around intellectually. 他开始玩弄心计摆布别人。
The first is that China will push its weight around, anger its neighbors and frighten the world. 第一种是中国将会对外发展它的势力,激怒它的邻居们,同时使世界惊恐。
They push us around like ducks, he said. They have to start listening to what ordinary people have to say because otherwise we will eventually stop following the government. 他们赶我们就像赶鸭子一样,他说道,他们必须开始听听老百姓说的话,不然的话,我们最后就不听政府的了。
As my rich dad taught me the first month I worked for him, most people allow the world to push them around. 在我为富爸爸工作的第一个月里,他教我认识到大部分人是如何接受外界驱使的。
Just because I'm dead doesn't mean you have to let her push you around. 我死了可不意味着你只能任由她宰割了。
Rich countries could still push poor Asians around. 当时,富国仍然可以随意摆布贫穷的亚洲人。
If not, life will just continue to push you around. 但就算你学不会,生活照样会推着你转。
She could be abrasive with people she thought were trying to push her around or take advantage of their positions to treat others unfairly. 对于那些她认为想要对她指手画脚的人,或是想利用自己的职位处事不公的人,她的态度就会很生硬。
There are a lot of people out there who push papers around and act like they have so many places to go and so much to do. 现实生活中许多人都将文件扔得到处都是,表现出一副他们有很多地方要去、有很多事情要做的样子。
Usually this reaction is valuable, leading us to take cover if we hear gunfire, or stand our ground if a bully tires to push us around. 通常这种反应是很有用的。听到枪声,它引导我们寻找掩护;被恶棍欺负时,它叫我们坚守立场。
Be yourself and don't let anybody push you around. 做你自己,不要让别人牵着鼻子走。
It was a little too harsh to push the boy around. 把那男孩推来推去真的有点过分。
Its response was to push around its neighbours, to take a tougher line on Taiwan, to harden its maritime claims and step up the missile and other weapons programmes specifically designed to counter US access to the region. 对此,中国的反应是对邻国呼来唤去,在台湾问题和领海主张上采取更强硬的立场,并加快导弹及其它尤其是旨在抵制美国介入东亚事务的武器计划的步伐。
You may be dealing with someone who is just looking to push you around a little. 你也许面对的是想对你专横跋扈一点的人。